Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Other Systems Can Teach Us

What would happen if a school leadership team spent some time studying other systems? Then embbracing the practices that could impact our profession?

  1. The Entertainment Industry

  2. The Business World

  3. Zoos

  4. The Hospital

  5. Manufactoring Industries

  6. Places of Worship

  7. Local Government Structures

  8. Restuarants (especially those that cater to children)

  9. Airports

  10. Counseling Centers

  11. Grocery Stores

  12. Malls (the Apple Store)

  13. Sports Entertainment

Wouldn't it be fun to have a school that took great ideas from each of these areas and put them into place?Let's play with this idea a little- (I do this all the time).

From Airports- they organize things so well due to the pressure of travelers who hate delays and wasted time. So they have these boards everywhere that share Arrival and Departure information. What if we used that concept to share with school visitors all the new knowledge that is arriving? It might read like this: "4th Grade Geometry of Triangles 9:30AM" "7th Grade Causes of the Civil War 12:15". This would be powerful! Guests might be inspired to come and contribute to the school. Students would see how so much goes on in a day!

From Counseling Centers- We would look at everything we do from a developmental and emotional lens. Even our lighting would be a thoughtful action. We would develop systems that celebrate small steps! Our discipline system would be more like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy than a punishment system.

From Entertainment- our morning announcements would mirror a Radio show or Good Morning America. We would develop traditions on these shows- and embed humor. Perhaps once a month we would have a show in the cafeteria for their entertainment... we might put a band in there (student of course) and play music. We might create a comedy hour. Students learning how to capture an audience.

From Business- Everything from quality control systems to marketing management. We would learn about the best management practices as well.

From Zoos- not every animal is treated the same. We care for each based on knowing their needs. Why do our classrooms look so similar? We have no places for some types of kids? What about the kid who needs a learning center where there is no noise? What about the kid who needs to set their own daily goals and have some autonomy?

From Places of Worship- look at how we could design our assemblies with the technology, with motivational songs, with speeches that bring positive character traits into the forefront of our cultural minds....